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(国内现货,厚册,精装版,权威版本,英文原版)自然哲学的数学原理 科学划时代之作 The Principia: The Authoritative Translation : Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman Isaac Newton 牛顿
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(补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍)Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill
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(精装版,国内现货,保存良好)A Theory of Justice John Rawls 正义论  罗尔斯 英文原版
(精装版,国内现货)Freedom of the individual Stuart Hampshire Free Will经典之作
Utilitarianism and On Liberty: Including Mill's 'Essay on Bentham' and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin, 2nd Edition John Stuart Mill  Mary Warnock
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(封面封底有水渍,介意勿拍,G.E Moore作序推荐)The Foundations of Mathematics and Other Logical Essays Frank Plumpton Ramsey F. P. Ramsey R. B. Braithwaite
(补图勿拍,补图勿拍,补图勿拍)Word and object W.V. Quine 语词和对象
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A Treatise of Human Nature (Oxford Philosophical Texts)  人性论 [英国] 大卫·休谟
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(精装版)Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them Francine Prose 英文原版
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Histoire de la sexualité, IV : Les aveux de la chair 性经验史/性史 第4/四卷 肉体的忏悔 2018新出版 米歇尔 福柯/傅柯 Michel Foucault 肉欲的忏悔 法文原版 封面有轻微污渍及其损伤,介意勿拍
One-Way Street and Other Writings Walter Benjamin 单向街及其其他著作 瓦尔特 本雅明/班雅明
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Architect  Paul Wijdeveld Paul Engelmann 维特根斯坦 大开本画册 封面右下角与封底左下角有磨损,介意勿拍
On the Philosophy of Logic  Jennifer Fisher
On Plato John Peterman 
The Art of Always Being Right: The 38 Subtle Ways of Persuation A. C. Grayling  Arthur Schopenhauer 叔本华 诡辩三十八术
Authority and Estrangement: An Essay on Self-Knowledge 
Richard Moran  self-knowledge经典之作
(精装版)Freedom and Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power John Searle 
(精装版)  Why the World Does Not Exist Markus Gabriel Gregory Moss 
Letters from Ludwig Wittgenstein,: With a memoir Paul Engelmann  维根斯坦 维特根斯坦
(精装版)The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Keith Frankish William M. Ramsey 有运输磕碰,介意勿拍
(精装版) Transformative Experience  L. A. Paul
(精装版)Facts and the Function of Truth   Huw Price
(精装版) Yuck!: The Nature and Moral Significance of Disgust Daniel Kelly
(精装版,毛边本) Mind, Language, and Society John R. Searle  心灵、语言和社会   [美] 约翰・塞尔

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
