优惠时间: 2025.02.25-2025.03.23
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Fuller's Worthies Selected from "The Worthies of England"
Indian Fables Illustrated by Josef Liesler
Red, Yellow and Black: Tales of Indians, chinese and africans
Don Quixote de la Mancha (Oxford World's Classics)
The history of Don Quixote Edited by J.W. Clark. Biographical essay by T. Teignmouth. Illustrated by Gustave Dore
Flemish Illuminated Manuscripts: 1475-1550
The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe
The Story of Picture Printing in England During the Nineteenth Century or Forty Years of Wood and Stone
Kidnapped Illustrated in color by Manning de V.Lee
Dickens' London: essay with engrvings by George Cruikshank
The Great Enterprise: The History of the Spanish Armada
Introduction to the literature of Europe
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. A New Verse Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Allen Mandelbaum. Drawings by Barry Moser.
The Way of All Flesh introduction by Theodore Dreiser Pictures by Robert Ward Johnson
Patrons and Performance: Early Tudor Household Revels
Fiction and Repetition: Seven English Novels
Jane Austen: Seven Novels
The Copernican Revolution : Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought
Moral Emblems and Other Poems, written and Illustrated with Woodcuts by Robert Louis Stevenson
A Moral Compass: Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Painting in the Netherlands
The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve
Southern Cross; A Novel of the South Seas, told in Wood Engravings by Laurence Hyde, with a review of stories in pictures from earliest times. Introduction by Rockwell Kent
N by E by Rockwell Kent
The House at Pooh Corner with decorations By Ernest H. Shepard
The Struggle For North China
The Decameron / Faithfully Translated By J. M. Rigg. With an Illustrated Introduction and 15 Photogravures From Original Drawings By Louis Chalon
The Decameron
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio With new illustrations specially made for this edition by Steele Savage
Variorum Edition of The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Vol.V: The Minor Poems, Part One
Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton: Volume 5/Part 8 - Paradise Lost, Book 11-12
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World of Lemuel Gulliver with Illustrations and Decorations by W. A. Dwiggins
The Life and Art of Albrecht Dürer
The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe
The Annotated Huckleberry Finn
Fables of Aesop Illustrated with black and white drawings by David Levine
Leviathan Or the Matter, Form and Power of a commonwealth, ecclesiastical and civil
The Water Babies,Illustrated by Jesse Wilcox Smith
Edmund Dulac's Picture Book for the French Red Cross.
Portable Magic: A History of Books and their Readers
The Classical Tradition
The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Three Essays on Style
The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, Of Francis Bacon
Chaucer and the tradition of fame : symbolism in The house of fame
Milton's use of Du Bartas
Dante and the Medieval Other World
Sentimental Murder: Love and Madness in the Eighteenth Century
The Illuminated Manuscript
A Midsummer Night's Dream. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
Guy De Maupassant Stories
Curiosities of Literature and Amenities of Literature
Renaissance Philosophy (A History of Western Philosophy: 3)
Renaissance Philosophy of Man: Petrarca, Valla, Ficino, Pico, Pomponazzi, Vives
Alice's adventures in Wonderland with the Illustrations of John Tenniel
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with inventive illustrations from Maggie Taylor
Alice in Wonderland with Six Lithographs
East of the Sun West of the Moon. Old Tales from the North with Illustrations by Kay Nielsen
East of the Sun and West of the Moon Old Tales from the North Illustrated by Kay Nielsen

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
