The Dilemmas of an Upright Man : Max Planck As Spokesman for German Science
A Course of Pure Mathematics
钟开莱 概率 英文
Introduction to Solid State Physics
Nuclei & Particles
RadioActivity by Ernest Rutherford
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by John von Neumann 瑕疵见图 有磨损 前后内衬页连接处稍有开胶
Revolution in Science by I. Bernard Cohen 精装厚本 711页
Galileo on the World Systems
Selected Papers on Quantum Electrodynamics
Superstring Theory
Calculus Lite
Revolutions in Physics
Physical Science and Human Values . Princeton Bicentennial Conference on the Future of Nuclear Science
Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology : Proceedings of the Sir Arthur Eddington Centenary Symposium
Physical Cosmology , P. J. E. Peebles
Classical Mechanics 经典力学 T W B Kibble 英文
Larry Smith Linear Algebra 线性代数 书角破损
有水渍 The Clockwork Universe Isaac Newton , the Royal Society , and the Birth of the Modern World
Gravitation and Inertia by Ignazio Ciufolini and John Archibald Wheeler
The Rise of Scientific Philosophy by Hans Reichenbach
Einstein Lived Here by Abraham Pais
罗伯特·波义耳 Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours First Occasionally 18x10.8cm
Concepts of Particle Physics : Volume I by Kurt Gottfried and Victor F. Weisskopf
Linear Topological Spaces by John L. Kelley and Isaac Namioka
埃伦费斯特夫 The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics
书边磨损 James Jeans , Physics & Philosophy 物理学与哲学
Mathematics, Its Content, Methods, and Meaning VOLUME II 数学 它的内容方法和意义 第2卷
费曼 Six Easy Pieces Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher
艾皮努斯 电磁理论 Aepinus's Essay on the Theory of Electricity and Magnetism
Calculus : An Intuitive and Physical Approach
缺前内衬页 Edwin F. Taylor , Introductory Mechanics
A Survey of Modern Algebra
Fluid Mechanics and Statistical Methods in Engineering
Applied Linear Statistical Models
String Theory in a Nutshell
Zero Time Space : How Quantum Tunneling Broke the Light Speed Barrier
Quantum Theory of Solids
P. J. E. Peebles , Quantum Mechanics
Enumerability, decidability, computability : An introduction to the theory of recursive functions
Quantum Philosophy
Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times
Faraday, Helmholtz, Kelvin, Newcom - Scientific Papers - Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology -
The Geometry of Rene Descartes 笛卡尔几何学
Fundamentals of Mathematics, Vol. 3: Analysis
New World of Physics
Linear Programming and Extensions
A First Course in String Theory
Commutative Normed Rings
Introduction to the Vigier Theory of Elementary Particles by Louis de Broglie
T. W. Korner Fourier Analysis
The physics of elementary particles by J. D. Jackson
Feynman Gravitation
An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems
有斑磨损笔记划线 电磁辐射英文
Atomic spectra and atomic structure
More Mathematical People : Contemporary Conversations

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
