原版现货 Geometry: From Euclid to Knots大开本
原版现货 Notes on Fermat's Last Theorem
原版现货 Mathematical Circus
原版现货 Chance and Chaos 有书衣
原版现货 Gauge Theory and Variational Principles
原版现货 The Weak Interaction in Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics
原版现货 What to Solve? Problems and Suggestions for Young Mathematicians
原版现货 The Mathematician's Brain
原版现货 Integral Equations and Applications
原版现货 American Poetry- the Nineteenth Century 共两卷 布面精装(1097+1049 页)
原版现货 The Oxford Companion to British History有书衣
原版现货 The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization 大开本,铜版纸(793页)
原版现货 The Oxford History of the American West 超大开本,有书衣
原版现货 The Oxford Companion to United States History , 大厚本
原版现货 Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games with Applications 共两卷
原版现货 Hilbert Schemes of Zero-Dimensional Subschemes of Smooth Varieties
原版现货 K-Theory for Group C*-Algebras and Semigroup C*-Algebra 大开本 纸张厚实
原版现货 Selected Papers - Oeuvres Scientifiques III leray大师在多复变方面的论文
原版现货 Rational Points and Arithmetic of Fundamental Groups
原版现货 Arthur's Invariant Trace Formula and Comparison of Inner Forms
原版现货 Stochastic Integration in Banach Spaces
原版现货 The Quantum Mechanics Conundrum 书上边缘被染黄了,内页没事
原版现货 Selected papers on noise and Stochastic Processes 后三页(广告页)中间有点呲破
原版现货 Fluide Dynamics 大开本
原版现货 Differential Geometry
原版现货 Gravitation and Spacetime 布面精装
原版现货 A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics 图书馆改装精装版 后半部分右下角有水印,如图
原版现货 Probablity and Random Processes With applications to Signal Processing 内页有一些铅笔笔迹
原版现货 Introductory Combinatorics
原版现货 The Secret Life of Numbers 有书衣
原版现货 Richard Feynman: A Life in Science 有书衣
原版现货 Formulations of Classical and Quantum Dynamical Theory 布面精装
原版现货 The Theory of Bernoulli shifts
原版现货 The Foundations of Quantum Theory 布面精装
原版现货 Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws: Minutes from an infinite Paradise 有书衣
原版现货 (2) Breakthroughs in Statistics 共三卷
原版现货 (2) Statistical Fluid Mechanics: Mechanics of Turbulence 共两卷,布面精装
原版现货 (2) Topology1 : General Survey 名家名著 封面透明塑膜加固
原版现货 )(2) A Second Course in Number Theory 书脊顶端有修复痕迹
原版现货 (2) 布面精装(1001页)landau名著,两卷合订
原版现货 (2) Gauge Field Theories 内页有一些笔迹
原版现货 (2) Symmetriy Principles in Solid State and Molecular Physics 有一些铅笔笔迹名家著作 有书衣
原版现货 (2) Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting
原版现货 (2) Introduction To Linear Regression Analysis 布面精装 有书衣
现货 (2) Prospects in Topology 布面精装
现货 (2) Uniform Distribution of Sequences
现货 (2) Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Numbers and Functions 布面精装
现货 (2) Linear Analysis and Representation Theory 布面精装
现货 (2) Spherical CR Geometry and Dehn Surgery
现货 )The Collrcted Work of Lars Onsager (2) 大厚本
现货)(2) Novikov Conjectures , Index Theorems and Rigidity 卷一包含重要原始论文
现货 (2) Hard Ball Systems and the Lorentz Gas
现货 (2) Atomic Physics 布面精装
现货 (2) The Road to Reality 有书衣
现货(2) Cohomology Operations and Applications In Homotopy Theory
现货 (2) The Modern Theory of Solids 布面精装
现货(2) Stochastic Partial Differential Equations : Six Perspectives 大开本
现货 (2) Dynamical Systems Approach To Turbulence
现货(2) Introduction to Solid State Physics 布面精装大开本
现货(2)Transcendental Aspects of Algebraic Cycles ( 290 页)

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
