To China and back : being a diary kept out and home
Rebellion and its enemies in late imperial China : 孔飞力 中华帝国晚期的叛乱及其敌人
The Theory of Monetary Policy
The nature of perception :John Foster
Five years in China, from 1842 to 1847
《中国游记》( Travels in China)John Barrow
A collection of Chinese Lyrics 词选
Across China on foot : life in the interior and the reform movement 《步行过中国》
The peasant economy and social change in North China: Philip C.C. Huang
Essays on the foundations of game theory :Ken Binmore
The Newtonians and the English revolution, 1689-1720
The evolutionist economics of Léon Walras 瓦尔拉斯
Chinese aesthetics and literature : a reader
Eight Chinese Plays from the Thirteenth Century to the Present (包括梅兰芳主演的《霸王别姬》)
Chinese illustration: Frances Wood
Post Keynesian price theory
Critical essays on Piero Sraffa's legacy in economics
Official papers of Alfred Marshall : a supplement 马歇尔官方文献集补录
The Confucian Odes of Ezra Pound a Critical Appraisal
The Bank of England, 1891-1944:R.S. Sayers 3册全
An enquiry concerning the principles of morals :David Hume
Modern philosophy from Descartes to Nietzsche : an anthology
The higher learning in America: Thorstein Veblen
The logic of culture : authority and identity in the Modern Era
The philosophy of Thomas Reid : a collection of essays
The limits to rational expectations :M. Hashem Pesaran
Skepticism : the central issues :Charles Landesman
Critique of modernity : Alain Touraine 现代性批判
Uncertain hazards : environmental activists and scientific proof
Worldviews : an introduction to the history and philosophy of science
John Searle's ideas about social reality : extensions, criticisms, and reconstructions
Politics in the vernacular : Will Kymlicka
On sociology : numbers, narratives, and the integration of research and theory
The Theory of Knowledge: A Thematic Introduction 知识论
Western Chou civilization :Cho-yun Hsü and Katheryn M. Linduff (西周文明)
18 Two Years in the Forbidden City 清宫二年记 影像17幅
怀履光《中国犹太人》Chinese Jews
The ladder of success in Imperial China : 何炳棣 【明清社会史论】
KANTS WERKE Werke. Akademie Textausgabe: Akademie-Textausgabe, Bd.3,/4 Kritik der reinen Vernunft 2册全
Egyptian grammar : being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs Third Edition, Revised 古埃及 象形文字 语法
Tʿao Yüan-ming His Works and Their Meaning 戴维斯《陶渊明的作品及其含义》VOL 1巻
The Peking Temple of the Eastern Peak:: The Tung-yueh Miao of Peking and Its Lore 《北京东岳庙及传说》
Essays on Tang and pre-Tang China
Five seasons of a golden year : a Chinese pastoral 赖恬昌 书 范成大 四时田园杂兴六十首
The growth of the firm : the legacy of Edith Penrose
The Oxford history of Western philosophy ed. by Anthony Kenny
Modern business cycle theory : Robert J. Barro
Economics and thermodynamics : new perspectives on economic analysis
Proceedings of the Symposium on Algebraic Geometry in East Asia
The economics of supply and demand :Lawrence R. Klein
Margins of precision : essays in logic and language :Max Black
Giordano Bruno : philosopher of the Renaissance
Against relativism : philosophy of science, deconstruction, and critical theory
Sociological theory :Bert N. Adams and R.A. Sydie
An Inquiry into the human mind : on the principles of common sense Thomas Reid
Late Archaic Chinese : a grammatical study 古汉语:语法研究
Wen-lin : studies in the Chinese humanities
Language and human behavior :Derek Bickerton
The works of William James:The meaning of truth
Münchener ostasiatische Studien Wang Kuo-wei und Schopenhauer, eine philosophische Begegnung

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
