教育思想的演进 (涂尔干)
А. Солженицын, Как нам обустроить Россию ?
Leon Panetta, Worthy Fights, A Memoir of Leadership in War and Peace
Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution
The Age of Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800 《民主革命的时代》
Александр Яковлев: обвал: Предисловие и Послесловие
Н. С. Лесков, Собрание Сочинений 《尼古拉·列斯科夫文集》(12卷本全)
А. Фадеев, Собрание Сочинений 《法捷耶夫文集》(7卷本全)
А. И. Герцен. Собрание Сочинений 《赫尔岑文集》(8卷本全)
А.И. Куприн Собрание Сочинений 《库普林文集》(9卷本全)
В. Г. Короленко Собрание Сочинений 《柯罗连科文集》(10卷本全)
Minerva’s Owl: the Tradition of Western Political Thought
The Character of Physical Law.
The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici
The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914
The Coming of the Third Reich
Gulag:A History
From Dawn to Decadence:500 Years of Western Cultural Life: 1500 to the Present
Napoleon: A Life. by Andrew Roberts
Alexander Hamilton. by Ron Chernow
Law and Revolution. vol 1 & 2
Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947
The Coming of the Terror in the French Revolution.
The philosophy of the Enlightenment.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions:50th Anniversary Edition
DNA: The Story of the Genetic Revolution
On Politics, A History of Political Thought: from Herodotus to the Present
A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature’s Deep Design
American Property: A History of How, Why, and What We Own
A People’s Tragedy: The Russian Revolution
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life. by Richard Hofstadter
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. By Joseph Schumpeter
Politics and Vision:Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought. Sheldon S. Wolin
The Sense of Reality: Study in Ideas and Their History 《现实感》(以赛亚·伯林)
《先知三部曲》(全新插图修订本):武装的先知:托洛茨基  1879—1921;被解除武装的先知:托洛茨基  1921—1929;流亡的先知:托洛茨基  1929—1940
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science 《科学哲学导论)(鲁道夫·卡尔纳普)
Ideas And Opinions. By Albert Einstein
The Scottish Enlightenment: An Anthology
Speak, Memory:An Autobiography Revisited 《纳博科夫自传》
Brief Answers to the Big Questions
To Explain the World: the Discovery of Modern Science
The World Crisis 1911-1918 《世界危机:1911-1918》(邱吉尔)
A Long Walk to Freedom:The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela 《曼德拉自传》
Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World, Second Edition 《爱这个世界:汉娜·阿伦特传》
The Crowd:A Study of the Popular Mind 《乌合之众》(古斯塔夫·勒庞)
Machiavelli: His Life and Times 《马基雅维利传》
The Life of Isaac Newton.  by Richard S. Westfall 《伊萨克·牛顿的一生》
Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy 《政治哲学史讲座》John Rawls

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
