Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷109 Alexander Barclay 1475-1552 James VI of Scotland I of England 1566-1625 Kabir 1398-1448 Literature Counter Reformation Nahum Tate 1652-1715
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷151 Giovanni Giacomo Casanova 1725-1798 卡萨诺瓦 Italian adventurer memoirist Henry Fielding 1701-1754 亨利菲尔丁英国小说奠基人 John Fletcher 1579-1625 约翰弗莱彻
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷152 Marsilio Ficino 1433-1499 Italian philosopher Carlo Goldoni1707-1793 Girolame Savonarola 1452-1498 Horace Walpole 1717-1797Castle of Otranto
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷158 Ben Jonson 1572-1637 本琼森文艺复兴剧作家Richard Lovelace 1618-1658 理查德洛夫莱斯English poet Gosvami Tulsidãs 1532-1623 Indian poet philosopher and saint
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷111 Thomas Browne 1605-1682 托马斯布朗 Thomas Fuller 1608-1661 Thomas Heywood 1573-1641 Íñigo López de Mendoza, the Marqués de Santillana 1398-1458
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷125 English Emblem Books Thomas Kyd 1558-1594 Molière 1622-1673 French playwright Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini 1380-1459 Italian dialogist
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷128 Samuel Johason 1709-1784 塞缪尔约翰逊 Charles Wesley 1707-1788 18世纪英国循道运动的领袖查理卫斯理 Joseph Warton 1722-1800 托马斯沃顿 英国诗人评论家传教士
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800托马斯·施伯恩贝格《1400-1800年文学评论》卷143 中世纪早期文学 印度诗人圣徒Mirabai 古斯塔夫斯瓦萨olaudah-equiano
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷129 Robert Armin 1568-1615 莎剧小丑Metrical Psalms 韵律诗篇 Roger Williams 1603-1683 Johann Joachim Winckelmann 1717-1768 温克尔曼German普鲁士艺术家
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷130 Anne Bradstreet 1612-1672 清教美国女诗人Christine de Pizan 1364-1431 克里斯蒂娜德皮桑欧洲第一位职业女作家Isabella Whitney fl. 1565-1575 English poet and prose writer
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800《1400-1800年文学评论集》卷131 Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626培根爵士 George Lillo 1691-1739English playwright Sir Philip Sidney 1554-1586 菲利普·锡德尼 十八世纪英国文学的盛衰研究POVERTY AND WEALTH
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800托马斯·施伯恩贝格《1400-1800年文学评论》卷132 Margaret Cavendish 1623-1673 玛格丽特 卡文迪什 Charles Macklin 1699-1797 Thomas Rymer 1643-1713 Honoré d'Urfé 1567-1625
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800托马斯·施伯恩贝格《1400-1800年文学评论》卷134 François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon 1651-1715 Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790本杰明富兰克林Christopher Smart 1722-1771 Women's Periodicals
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800托马斯·施伯恩贝格《1400-1800年文学评论》卷142 Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679 托马斯霍布斯 Moses Mendeluche 1729-1786 Blaise Pascal 1623-1662 十七世纪法国科学家数学家哲学家帕斯卡
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 2004年,迈克尔·拉布朗《1400-1800年文学评论》(卷96)Emilie du Chatelet ,Richard Savage英国诗人 理查德 萨维奇,James Shirley,George Wither 诗人和讽刺作家乔治威瑟
THE POPULAR EDUCATOR A COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA of Elementary, Advanced, and Technical Education《卡塞尔通俗教育者百科全书》特别定制版(卷2)数百幅插图 含中国内容 全球地图 非洲地图 语言文字古典文学物理化学音乐鉴赏地理环境生物学等 漆布精装 封面书脊烫金压花 约19世纪后期出版
The home EAChER CYCLOPEADIA OF SELF-INSTRUCTION《家庭教师:自学百科全书》卷5 约百幅插图,漆布精装,约20世纪早期出版 大量版画插图 都柏林 巴黎 自然风景 古欧洲地图 地理信息 电力工程 数学领域 电话的发明等插图众多
The home EAChER CYCLOPEADIA OF SELF-INSTRUCTION《家庭教师:自学百科全书》(卷2)约百幅插图,漆布精装,约20世纪早期出版 大量版画插图 埃及 香港 自然风景 古英格兰地图 北美洲 南美洲 澳大利亚地图等
The home EAChER CYCLOPEADIA OF SELF-INSTRUCTION《家庭教师:自学百科全书》(卷3),约百幅插图,漆布精装,约20世纪早期出版 大量版画插图 古罗马地图 英国威尔士 苏格兰爱尔兰地图等
CLASSICAL AND MEDIEVAL LITERATURE CRITICISM 古典与中世纪文学评论集卷13 Giovanni Boccaccio Italian short novella writer poet Demosthenes Greek orator Flavius Josephus Jewish historian Niáls saga Icelandic saga
CLASSICAL AND MEDIEVAL LITERATURE CRITICISM 古典与中世纪文学评论集卷16 Albert the Great German scientist, philosopher Avicenna Arabic philosopher Odyssey Greek poem Razón de amor Spanish poem
CLASSICAL AND MEDIEVAL LITERATURE CRITICISM 古典与中世纪文学评论集卷60Ammianus Marcellinus c. 330-c395 Syrian-bom Roman historian Gerald of Wales c.1146-c.1223Plutarch c. 46-c. 120Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus c.70
CLASSICAL AND MEDIEVAL LITERATURE CRITICISM 古典与中世纪文学评论集卷116 The Book of Taliesin Medieval Welsh poetry St. Catherine Italian religious writer and letter writer Ivo of Chartres French theologian
shakespearean cricicism 莎士比亚评论集 卷63 有插图 All's Well That Ends Well Henry VI, Parts 1, 2, and 3 Julius Caesar The Two Gentlemen of Verona Introduction Overviews
shakespearean cricicism 莎士比亚评论集 卷41有插图 The Authorship Controversy Henry VIII King John The Two Noble Kinsmen
shakespearean cricicism 莎士比亚评论集 卷6 Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluations 有插图
Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 335: American Short-Story Writers Since World War II Fifth Series 第二次世界大战以来的美国短篇小说作家辞典插图多 Harvey Swados Gerald Shapiro George W. Saunders Michael Rumaker Proulx
Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 134: Twentieth-Century Spanish Poets Second Serles 二十世纪西班牙诗人辞典插图多Luis Antonio de Villena Manuel Vázquez Montalbán Ramón del Valle-Inclán Pedro Salinas Claudio
Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 292: Twenty-First-Century American Novelists 二十一世纪美国小说家辞典插图多Michael Lee West Anita Shreve Anne Rice Anna Quindlen Jodi Picoult Mary McGarry Morris Robert Morgan
Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 150: Early Modern Russian Writers, Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 十七十八世纪早期现代俄罗斯作家辞典插图多 Vasilii Catherine II Ekaterina Alekseevna Empress of Russia
Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 65 French Novelists 1900-1930当代法国小说家辞典Jacques de Lacretelle Jean Giraudoux André Gide Maurice Genevoix Georges Duhamel Roland Dorgelès Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 19 British Poets1880-1914 插图多 Lascelles Abercrombie Robert Bridges Laurence Binyon G. K. Chesterton John Davidson Wilfrid Gibson Charles M. Doughty Thomas Hardy
Poetry Criticism 诗歌评论 73卷 诗人传记评论 Robert Creeley 1926-2005 美国诗人罗伯特·克里利 Leigh Hunt 1784-1859 英国作家詹姆斯·亨利·利·亨特 Kokinshu c. 905 古今集作者纪贯之
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷82 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers Thomas Mann 1875-1955 托马斯曼 Luisa Valenzuela 1938 Flannery O'Connor 1925-1964 玛丽·弗兰纳里·奥康纳美国小说家、短篇小说作家和评论家,美国文学的重要代言人
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷143 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers Matteo Bandello 1485-1561 十五世纪文艺复兴意大利马代奥·班戴洛 Sandra Cisneros 1954 F. Scott Fitzgerald 1896-1940 菲茨杰拉德 Richard Ford
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷165 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers Mahasweta Devi 1926 H. P. Lovecraft 1890-1937 María Cristina Mena 1893-1965 Grace Paley 1922-2007
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷162 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers Chicano/a Short Fiction Margaret Deland 1857-1945 Gabriel García Márquez 1928
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷161 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers Isaac Babel 1894-1941 Samuel Beckett 1906-1989 Ann Petry 1908-1997 Virginia Woolf 1882-1941
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷160 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers Charles Richard Johnson Tomás Rivera 1935-1984 Doris Lessing 1919
Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 104 British Prose Writers, 1660-1800 英国散文作家辞典Second Series 17-19世纪James Boswell Oliver Goldsmith Samuel Johnson William Robertson John Wesley Tobias Smollett
Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 188: American Book and Magazine lustrators to 1920 1920年前的美国书籍和杂志插画家辞典 插图众多Edwin Austin Abbey Alexander Anderson Hammatt Billings Frank B. Hoffman Winslow Homer
Contemporary Literary Criticism 当代文学评论集 57卷Robert Aickman Fernando Alegría Samuel Beckett Andrei Bitov T. S. Eliot Robert Kroetsch André Malraux Danilo Kis Thomas Rogers J. F. Powers Charles Simmons
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism十九世纪文学评论集192卷 TOPICS VOLUME Calvinism in Nineteenth-Century Literature The Double in Nineteenth-Century Literature Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism十九世纪文学评论集166卷 Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis 1746-1830 Friedrich Schiller 1759-1805 William Wordsworth 1770-1850 The Excursion, Being a Portion of The Recluse
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷171 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers Leopoldo Alas 1852-1901 Kate Chopin 1851-1904 Joseph Conrad 1857-1924 "Désirée's Baby" Heart of Darkness
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷105 Chinua Achebe 1930 Delmore Schwartz 1913-1966 Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn 1918 Gertrude Stein 1874-1946 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers
Short Story Criticism 短篇小说评论集 卷102 Honoré de Balzac Adolfo Bioy Casares 1914-1999 Kay Boyle 1902-1992 Anton Chekhov Philip Roth 1933 Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers
Dictionary of the Middle Ages: volume 11中世纪辞典 MACBETH-MYSTERY PLAYS 大量插图 约瑟夫·斯特雷尔《中世纪历史词典 卷十一》
War and Trade in Northern Seas: Anglo-Scand 北海的战争和贸易:十八世纪中期的英国-斯堪的纳维亚经济关系 剑桥大学出版
Lucrezia Borgia: Life, Love, and Death in Renaissance 卢克蕾齐娅·波吉亚传记
LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE Collection dirigée par Claude Pichois Professeur à l'Université Vanderbilt ——LA RENAISSANCE1570-1624法国文学作品集——法国文艺复兴 1570-1624年 法文原版 插图众多
Children's Costume: The Complete Historical Sourcebook 儿童服饰全史
The Oxford Illustrated History of Roman Britain 罗马人统治时期英国的历史 插图本上百幅插图 牛津大学出版社
Baldassare Castiglione: the Perfect Courtier: His Life and Letters, 1478-1529, Vol. I卡斯蒂廖内·巴尔达萨雷伯爵的生平和通信,卷1 有插图
The British Museum Yearbook 大英博物馆 年鉴1,2两卷 合售1976年The Classical Tradition 1977年Collectors & Collections 展示和描述的藏品涉及不同年代早期众多领域的印刷作品绘画雕塑钱币艺术品青花瓷书法等等
CELTIC AND ANGLO-SAXON PAINTING BOOK ILLUMINATION IN THE BRITISH ISLES 600-800 凯尔特和盎格鲁撒克逊绘画:不列颠群岛公元600-800年的书籍手绘 铜版纸印刷众多彩色插图
Art of the Printed Book: 1455-1955《印本佳品五百年》插图丰富 布面精装超大开本 带完美护封
Sévigné Lettres LETTRES DE MME DE SÉVIGNE 德塞维涅夫人书信集 1856年原版 首页铜版画 小牛皮精装

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
