Samuel Johnson and the Problem of Evil
Unknown Spain: Spain of The Conquistadors
The Comedy of Manners: from Sheridan to Maugham
Night in Bombay
Prisms: Studies in Modern Literature
The Forms of Autobiography: Episodes in the History of a Literary Genre
A History of English Literature
Rimbaud's Poetic Practice:Image and Theme in the Major Poems
Pirandello and the French Theater
Flaubert's Characters: The Language of Illusion
Petrarch: His Life and Times
The Novels of Flaubert: A Study of Themes and Techniques
Ethical Naturalism and the Modern World-View
Waking Giants: The Presence of the Past in Modernism
Between the Old World and the New: Being Studies in Literary Personality from Goethe and Balzac to Anatole France and Thomas Hardy, , , 1967.365pp.
The Future of the Middle Ages:medieval literature in the 1990s
European Aestheticism and Spanish American Modernismo
Shakespear's Rhetoric of Comic Character
Mrs. Shakespear: the complete works: a novel
Francis Bacon and the Modern Dilemma
Shakespear and the Classics
Shakespear and The Victorians: Roots of Modern Criticism
The Profession of Dramatist in Shakespear's Time 1590-1642
When Honour's At The Stake: Ideas of honour in Shakespear's plays
Shakespear's Satire
Art in Australia:From Colonization to Postmodernism
Ezra Pound and the Troubadour Tradition
A Sentimental Journey, Memoirs, 1917-1922
The Emancipation of the Russian Nobility 1762-1785
The Literature of exhaustion: Borges, Nabokov, and Barth
Vladimir Nabokov: His life and works
Crystal Land: Artifice in Nabokov's English Novels
The Positive Hero in Russian Literature
The Tragedy of Mr Morn
Islam and the West: The Making of an Image
The Failure of Freedom: A Portrait of Modern Japanese Intellectuals
Shelley in Ameica in the Nineteenth Century: His Relation to American Critical Thought and His Influence
Yokomitsu Riichi:Modernist
The Image of Peter the Great in Russian Fiction
The English Historical Novel: Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf
The Heart of What Matters: The Role for Literature in Moral Philosophy
Beckett and Myth: An Archetypal Approach
Shelleyan Eros: The Rhetoric of Romantic Love
The Manyfaced Glass:Tennyson's Dramatic Monolgoues
The Unknown Distance:From Consciousness to Conscience Goethe to Camus
Structure and Theme: Don Quixote to James Joyce
Brother Artist:a Psychological Study of Thomas Mann's Fiction
Shakespeare and the Energies of Drama
George Eliot's Creative Conflict
Edwardian Theatre
The Growth and Influence of Classical Greek Poetry
Kierkegaard and Literature:irony, repetition, and criticism
Romance and Realism: a study in English Bourgeois Literature
Four Dialectical Theories of Poetry: an aspect of English Neoclassical Criticism
Baudelaire As A Love Poet and other essays
Love Poems of Six Centuries
Jacques Lacan:The Death of an Intellectual Hero

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
