《时祷书》法语,私人定制泥金彩绘手抄本,皮埃尔·胡蒂尔,1938《Livre d'heures》book of hours, Fine binding, Illuminated Manuscripts, Pierre Hutier
《时祷书》法语,私人定制泥金彩绘手抄本,洛蒂克兄弟,法国,约1890.《Livre d'heures》Book of hours, Fine binding, Illuminated Manuscripts, Lortic Frères
《小型弥撒》法语,私人定制泥金彩绘手抄本,莱昂·库默,法国,约1864.《PETIT MISSEL》, Fine binding, Illuminated Manuscripts, Leon Curmer
《SCP基金会 绝密档案》豪华精装红、黄、黑研究日记,三册全,定制书盒,2022《SCP Foundation》hardcover artbooks Slipcase Set with 3 volumes, Black、Yellow and Red Journals, ParaBooks, USA
《堂吉诃德》塞万提斯,四册全,私人定制手工上色插图本,1819,唐吉诃德&堂吉柯德《Don Quixote de la Mancha》, Fine Binding, 4 vols, By Miguel de Cervantès Saavedra, Translated by Charles Jarvis, Hand-colored aquatint plates
《时祷书》Livre d'heures / book of hours 法语,私人定制泥金彩绘手抄本,布瓦斯-勒贝尔和马辛,法国,约1889. Fine binding, Illuminated Manuscripts, Bouasse-Lebel et Massin
《时祷书》法语,私人定制泥金彩绘手抄本,马格宁父子公司,法国,约18xx. 《Livre d'heures》(book of hours), Fine binding, Illuminated Manuscripts, Vve Magnin et Fils
金鸡出版社《坎特伯雷故事集》,乔叟著,埃里克·吉尔插图,四卷全,1929-31.《The Canterbury Tales》, By Geoffrey Chaucer, Wood engravings by Eric Gill, Golden Cockerel Press, 4 vols
《沉默的羔羊》限量编号版装帧,作者&插图师签名版,首版首印,桑特普.《The Silence of the Lambs》, PC with Numbered Edition binding, Signed by the author Thomas Harris and illustrator Tom Bagshaw, Suntup Editions
欧洲历史,18xx,old&new testment 低价处理,有意详聊
Myst(神秘岛)三部小说合集The Book of Atrus, The Book of Ti'ana, The Book of D'ni,以及神秘岛艺术集:《From Myst to Riven》
安妮赖斯《吸血鬼女王》真皮豪华限量版 《The Queen of the Damned》Anne Rice, One-Quarter Binding, Published by Ultramarine Publishing Co.

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
