Deep Learning:Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series
Philosophical Analysis In The Twentieth Century:Volume 2 The Age of Meaning
Philosophical Analysis In The Twentieth Century:Volume 1 The Dawn of Analysis
Kant's Transcendental Idealism:An Interpretation and Defense
国内现货[德语 德文] 胡塞尔:逻辑研究 Logische Untersuchungen(权威版,专业研究版,附有专业参考文献索引)Logische Untersuchung [新版,非旧版书] Edmund Husserl
Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik (1929) Martin Heidegger 康德与形而上学疑难 德文原版
国内现货[德文德语原版]胡塞尔 《经验与判断》Erfahrung und Urteil,埃德蒙德·胡塞尔 Edmund Husserl [精装珍藏版,最新版,非旧版] 权威专业研究版,附有专业的文献索引
知觉现象学英译本 Phenomenology of Perception
Logical Investigations
Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: First Book
Basics of Qualitative Research
Thing and Space : Lectures of 1907
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action 公共事务治理之道
Markets And Hierarchies-市场和等级制度
Institutions and Organizations 制度与组织:
吉本斯 博弈论基础 英文版 Game Theory for Applied Economists
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, second edition 计量经济学经典
Conflict / The Web Of Group Affiliations
Phänomenologie des Geistes 精神现象学德文版精装
Phänomenologie des Geistes 精神现象学 德文版
Social Systems (Writing Science)
Theory of Society, Volume 1
Theory of Society, Volume 2
Mathematics For Economists
哲学论稿 Contributions to Philosophy:Of the Event
explaining social behavior
Designing Social Inquiry
阿伦特  人的境况 英文版  the human condition
Bureaucracy and Representative Government
Understanding and Managing Public Organizations
The Economic Institutions of Capitalism
Social Science Methodology: A Unified Framework (Strategies for Social Inquiry)
Structures of the Life-World, Vol. 1 and VOL2 生活世界的结构 舒茨 卢克曼 两卷
文明的进程 The Civilizing Process: Sociogenetic and Psychogenetic Investigations
The Society of Individuals 个体的社会英文原版
Classics of Public Administration 8th Edition
民主的经济理论英文版 An Economic Theory of Democracy

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
