The anthropology of Taiwanese society【精装】
The pre-war mind in Britain【精装】
巴金 随想录 Random thoughts
生态帝国主义 Ecological Imperialism:the biological expansion of Europe,900-1900
The Norton Anthology English Literature volume 2 (seventh edition)
Convergence Culture:Where old and new media collide
肯德尔 神经科学原理 Principles of Neural Science(原版非影印)
谢泼德 独角兽的传说 The Lore of the Unicorn
斯威夫特 格列佛游记 Gulliver’s travels(诺顿版 a norton critical edition)
华兹华斯 William Wordsworth:the Prelude a parallel text
An elementary treatise on fouriers series and spherical,cylindrical
Engineering materials (vol.iii)【精装】
经学历史 【精装】
这一代人的怕和爱 (三联版 一印)
The new columbia encyclopedia 【精装】
Avigdor Arikha Selected Paintings 1953-1997 【精装】
The World of Rubens 1577-1640 【精装】
The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564 【精装】
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两河文明三千年 Ancient Iraq (new edition)
The Adams-Jefferson letters
冯内古特 Jailbird
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Comrades and Strangers:behind the closed doors of North Korea
What it means to be 98% Chimpanzee:apes,people,and their genes
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冯内古特 Kurt Vonnegut novels 1976-1985:Slapstick / Jailbird / Deadeye Dick / Galápagos 【美国文库】
席勒 三十年战争 The History of the thirty years’ war in germany
罗兰·巴特 Mythologies
The decorative illustration of books
The unauthorized version
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里昂·孚依希特万格 Lion Feuchtwanger:die judin von toledo【精装】
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The white castle
贡布里希 A Little History of the World(illustrated edition)
松尾芭蕉 On love and Barley Haiku of Basho
Drama and Religion in the English mystery plays【精装】
The Rotten Heart of Europe:The Dirty War for Europe‘s Money (有签名)
Practical English Usage(原版)
Philosophy,Religion and the Spiritual Life
The Wehrmacht:history,myth,reality【精装】
Cosmopolitan minds:literature,emotion and the transnational imagination【精装】
苏格拉底对话 Socratic Discourses:Xenophon’s Memorabilia of Socrates,Apology,Symposium
Basic Writings of Kant
德勒兹 What is philosophy?
Shame and Necessity
The taoist experience an anthology
沈复 浮生六记 Six records of a floating life
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法国抒情诗选 Les plus belles pages de la POESIE FRANCAISE【精装插图】

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
