[英语]考提利耶《政事论》与社会福利(Kautilya's Arthaśāstra and Social Welfare)打印本
哲学片断  克尔凯郭尔文集4(参加满100包邮)
[英文]埃里克·沃格林书信集二册 Eric Voegelin, Collected Works 29-30, Selected Correspondence 2册4卷全 (扫描本)
柏拉图的次优城邦:《礼法》导论 三联剧:《苏格拉底之后》作者Robinson签赠本(满100包邮)
[梵语英语]The Little Clay Cart by Shudraka, trans. Diwakar Acharya 戏剧 小泥车
[梵语英语]Rama's Last Act by Bhavabhuti, trans. Sheldon Pollock 后罗摩传
[梵语英语]The Recognition of Shakuntala by Kalidasa, ed. & trans. Somadeva Vasudeva 迦梨陀娑戏剧 认出沙恭达罗
[梵语英语]How Urvashi Was Won by Kalidasa, trans. Velcheru Narayana Rao & David Shulman 迦梨陀娑戏剧 优哩婆湿
[梵语英语]Rama Beyond Price by Murari, ed. & trans. Judit Törzsök 戏剧 无价罗摩 Clay Sanskrit Library
[梵语英语]Rakshasa's Ring by Vishakhadatta 戏剧指环印
[梵语英语]The Lady of the Jewel Necklace and the Lady Who Shows her Love by Harsha Clay Sanskrit Library
[梵语英语]Malavika and Agnimitra by Kalidasa, 迦梨陀娑 摩罗维迦与火友王 Clay Sanskrit Library
[梵语英语]The Quartet of Causeries by Shamilaka, Vararuchi, Shudraka & Ishvaradatta 漫笔四人组合 Clay Sanskrit Library
[梵语英语]The Emperor of the Sorcerers, Two Vols., by Budhasvamin 戏剧巫师帝两卷全 Clay Sanskrit Library
[梵语英语]Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom by Vishnuvarman, 世俗智慧五论 Clay Sanskrit Library
[梵语英语]The Ocean of the Rivers of Story Two Vols. 故事之海两卷全Clay Sanskrit Library
[梵语英语]“Friendly Advice” and “King Víkrama’s Adventures” (Hitopadeśa and Vikramacarita) by Nārāyaṇa, ed. & trans. by Judit Törzsök 利益教导 超日王传
[梵语英语]What Ten Young Men Did (Daśakumāracarita) by Daṇḍin, ed. & trans. by Isabelle Onians(Clay Sanskrit Library)
[梵语英语]Three Satires (Kaliviḍambana, Kalāvilāsa & Bhallaṭaśataka) by Nīlakaṇṭha, Kṣemendra, and Bhallaṭa, ed. & trans. by Somadeva Vasudeva(Clay Sanskrit Library)
[英文]伟大的梵语戏剧(Great Sanskrit Plays, by P. Lal)
惠特尼梵语语法(Sanskrit Grammar by William Dwight Whitney)
[英文]名利场(Vanity Fair, ed. with an Introduction by F. I. M. Stewart)内部交流本
[英文]Harvard Classics伯克 On Taste; On the Sublime and the Beautiful; Reflections on the French Revolution; A Letter to a Noble Lord
[英文]马基雅维利 君主论及其他作品(The Prince and Other Writings, Translation, Introduction and Notes)
[德文]威廉冯特 哲学导论(Einleitung in die Philosophie)
[英文]理性与寻求知识(Reason and the Search for Knowledge, Investigations in the Philosophy of Science)内部交流版
[德文]霍华德·加德纳 多元智能 人类心灵的多样性(Intelligenzen, Die Vielfalt des menschlichen Geistes)
[英文]新物理学的诞生 The Birth of a New Physics by I. Bernard Cohen
[英文]伊丽莎白女王 Elizabeth I, Queen of England by Neville Williams
[英文]中东地区当代调查(Middle East Contemporary Survey, III: 1978-1979)
Norstedts Svenska Ordbok (如图)
普列姆昌德短篇小说选 一版一印
萨拜因 A History of Political Theory by George H. Sabine
Slavoj Žižek, Looking Awry, An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture(打印本)
Catvlli Carmina, rec. Robinson Ellis(海军蓝版)
Schillers Werke in vier Bänden可向店主索图
Goethe Werke in sechs Bänden可向店主索图
Aeschyli Septem Quae Supersunt Tragoediae (Scriptorvm Classicorvm Bibliotheca Oxoniensis)
M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera Quae Supersunt Omnia Volumen Tertium EPISTOLAS CONTINENS西塞罗全集之三 书简集
凯若斯 古希腊文读本 上册 增订版
P. Terenti Afri Comoediae (Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis)
Sophoclis Fabvlae, recognovit Breviqve Adnotatione Critica Instravxit A. C. Pearson一卷全
英文 The Public Orations of Demosthenes, translated by Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge二卷全
Aristophanis Comoediae Tomvs II (Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis)内容见详细描述
斐洛全集 The Works of Philo, complete and unabridged, New updated edition, trans. by C. D. Yonge
维庸全集 The Complete Works of François Villon, trans. with biography and notes by W. C. Williams
克尔凯郭尔 Fear and Trembling & The Sickness unto Death, trans., with Intr. and Notes by W. Lowrie
拉伯雷全集(The Complete Works of Rabelais, the five Books of Gargantua & Pantagruel)一版一印
Kant Dictionary by Morris Stockhammer, Philosophical Library
Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche, trans., by Thomas Common
The Social Contract and Discourses by Jean Jacque Rousseau, trans. with Intr. by C. D. H. Cole

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
