Studies in the Language of Some Manuscripts of Gower's Confessio Amantis
John Gower's Poetic
The History of Sexuality
The Cambridge Companion to Modernism
The Foucault Reader
The Emergence of Mind
Quoting Speech in Early English
Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics
Ling-Nam, or Interior Views of Southern China
Exercises in Old English: Based upon the Prose Texts of the Author's "First Book in Old English"
A Handbook of Middle English Studies
Cambridge Latin Course, Unit 3
A Dictionary of English Manuscript: Terminology 1450-2000
The Defective Version of Mandeville's Travels
The Faerie Queene
Ethics and Eventfulness in Middle English Literature
Essays on Medieval Literature
The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, 2 Vols
Maxims in Old English Poetry
Rewriting Old English in the Twelfth Century
Old English Literature: A Short Introduction
Old English Literature: Critical Essays
A Feast of Creatures: Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Songs
On the Aesthetics of Beowulf and other Old English Poems
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Intercultural Communication: An Advanced Resource Book
The Idea of Culture
Culture and the Death of God
Latin Sermon Collections from Later Medieval England
The Neighboring Text: Chaucer, Boccaccio, Henryson
Poems about Dying
The Word Exchange: Anglo-Saxon Poems in Translation
Medieval Imagination: Rhetoric and the Poetry of Courtly Love
The Claims of Poverty
Readings in Medieval Texts: Interpreting Old and Middle English Literature
The Music of What Happens
Representations of the Natural World in Old English Poetry
Interactions of Thought and Language in Old English Poetry
The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature
An Introduction to Middle English
Inside Old English: Essays in Honour of Bruce Mitchell
Aspects of the History of English Language and Literature
Anglo-Saxon Psychologies in the Vernacular and Latin Traditions
A Bibliography of Publications on Old English Literature to the end of 1972
Poems and Prose from the Old English
Writing the Oral Tradition
An Annotated Critical Bibliography of Langland
Piers Plowman, A Contribution to the history of English Mysticism
小星星通信:The Little Star Dweller

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
