《创造历史的女人》十部(Women Who Made History 10 Vols)
《麦考莱随笔》(Macaulay’s Essays)
1866《菲利普历险记》(The Adventures of Philip)
赫尔维《冥思录》(Meditations and Contemplations)
《兰姆书信集》2卷全(Works of Charles Lamb: Letters 2 Vols)
《莫里斯传》2卷全(The Life of Frederick Denison Maurice 2 Vols)
《基布尔回忆录》2卷全(A Memoir of the Rev. John Kebble 2 Vols)
限量版《皇室秘闻:马蒙泰尔回忆录》两卷全(Memoirs of Marmontel: Courtiers and Favourites of Royalty 2 Vols)
《阿多斯版详注单行本莎士比亚全集》40册全(The Aldus Shakespeare 40 Vols)
《摩根夫人日记》(Diray of Lady Morgan)
《勃朗宁诗集》8卷全(Poetic Works of Robert Browning 8 Vols)
《腓力二世》3卷全(Philip Augustus 3 Vols)
《英吉利教会史》(The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation)
《托马斯•胡德回忆录》2卷全(Memorials of Thomas Hood 2 Vols)
《骚塞诗集》10卷全(The Poetical Works of Robert Southey 10 Vols)
《哈钦森上校回忆录》(Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson)
《克洛马丁的马丁们》(The Martins of CroMartin)
《罗洛及其种族》2卷全(Rollo and His Race 2 Vols)
《视觉谷》(The Valley of Vision)
《巴利特引用语词典》(Bartletts Familiar Quotations)
班杨《灵魂城圣战》(The Holy War)

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
