Faking literature
¥90.00 八五品
The title to the poem
michael foucault
calling home anthology of the working class
our america nativism, modernism and pluralism
vanishing voices the extinction of the world's languages
synthetic worlds the business and culture of online game
artificial intelligence the very idea
naked authority the body in western painting 1830-1908
krakatoa the days the world exploded
abiding by sri lanka on peace, place, and postcoloniality
the front porch to the back seat
allegorical architecture
subject to change reading feminist writing
the eternal frontier an ecological history of north america and its peoples
fateful triangle
mr bligh's bad language passion, power and theater on the bounty
the world is flat
women of the raj
off the beaton track rethinking gender justice for indian women
material culture and people's art among the norwegians in america
women and the american experience
a history of mistress
mind and body spaces
the scandal of the state
economic liberalization industrial structure and growth in india
a history of modern africa
The Frankenstein Diaries
historians and novelists confront america's past
public vows a history of marriage and the nation
secrets of life essays on language, gender and science
responsible readings versions of echo in pastoral, epic, and the jonsonian masque
old age in the new land
reading popular romance in early modern england
natural women, cultured men
theater as problem modern drama and its place in literature
maps of difference
seen and not heard: memories of childhood in the early 20th century
uneven development: the ideological work of gender in mid-victorian england
the rise of the west
dandies and desert saints styles of victorian manhood
german women for empire, 1884-1945
delirious new york
songs of the saints of India
the film of memory
sociological perspectives
a short history of progress
bucreaucracy and political power
born for liberty a history of women in america
highland sanctuary environmental history
second front censorship and propaganda in the gulf war
between the guerrillas and the state
explorations in feminist ethics
narratoives of human evolution
the life of samuel johnson
improving poor people the welfare state, the underclass and urban schools as history
from rainforest to cane field in cuba
the russian worker

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
