英文原版 China's Warlords(《中国的军阀》, 有插图)
英文原版A Little Princess(《小公主》)
英文原版The World As Will And Presentation(Volume 1)叔本华:《作为意志和表象的世界(第一卷)》
River of Dust(右侧毛边本)
Native Stangers:beachcombers,renegades,castaways in south seas(土生土长的陌生人:海滩拾荒人、叛徒和孤岛求生者)
The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail(拿着雪花石膏罐子的女人)
China's Creative Imperative: How Creativity is Transforming Society and Business in China
Mirror Mirror
the Elephant Man(象人,硬精装)
The Great Republic: A History Of America(伟大的共和国:美国史)
Snowdrops(雪花莲-融雪之后,A .D.米勒,英文原版)
voyageurs 旅行者
Where Men Win Glory(爱国者:一个美国大兵的死亡真相)
the idiot(白痴,右侧边毛边本)
The Conselor and Society:A Cultural Approach(学校辅导员与社会:文化诠释)
英文原版精装The World Is Flat(世界是平的)
Truth, Lies, and Advertising: The Art of Account Planning(真相、谎言和广告:广告企划的艺术)
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(虎妈战歌)
developing high-performance people:the art of coaching(成长为高素质人才:训练的艺术)
Call me by my rightful name(叫我正确的名字)
Cambridge: a living tradition (剑桥:活着的传统, 多人签赠本)
Encyclopedia of Plague and Pestilence(瘟疫百科全书,大16开精装)
Flawless Consulting:A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used (second edition)完美咨询
The Business of Consulting: The Basics and Beyond(商业咨询:基础及其他)
Manufacturing Consent:The Political Economy of the Mass Media(制造共识:大众传媒的政治经济学)
LE Robert &collins dictionnaire francais-anglais english-french 柯林斯.罗伯特 法英-英法词典  精装
revenge of the Winnabes
a soldier's story(士兵的故事)
The Stuff of Thought:Language As a Window into Human Nature(思想本质:人性之窗)
set,logic,and axiomatic theories集合、逻辑和公理理论
just three more years to live: the story of rev. kyung-chik han
meridian:a day in the life with incidental voices
as the earth turns silver 大地转银
the undertaker‘s widow
learn to play go volumeⅤ:the palace of memory(围棋讲座类)
above and beyond:making your life count(超越自我)
society in india:concepts,theories and recent trends(印度社会:概念、理论和近期趋势)
the complete guide to special event management
Mixing for Artists: Minimum colors for maximum effect, using watercolors, acrylics, and oils (局部潮痕霉斑  品差!)
英文原版精装the carrot principle 胡萝卜原理
totem,tipi and tumpline:story of Canadian Indians(加拿大印第安人故事  带插图)
the tree of man 人树
the vest pocket-marketer
the silk road 第九卷 2011年(丝绸之路)
the park 右侧毛边
city to city (Canada through the eyes of the greatest travel writer of our day)右侧边毛边
quantum wellness:a practical and spiritual guide to health and happiness
the saint:five complete novels
angela's ashes:a memoir
blue ocean strategy蓝海战略  内有签名请看图
community recreation:a guide to its organization(third edtion)社区休闲:组织指南
blood and vengeance:one family's story of the war in bosnia(鲜血与复仇:波斯尼亚战争中一个家族的故事)
the grapes of wrath(愤怒的葡萄 约翰斯坦贝克 英文原版小说 )右侧边毛边
the politics of industrial change
a guide to long-range planning: creating your strategic journey
the clickable corporation:Successful strategies for capturing the internet advantage
high tech start up
Nuts! Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success
value at risk:The New Benchmark for Controlling Derivatives Risk
Competing in a Flat: World Building Enterprises for a Borderless World

开播时间:09月02日 10:30
